Sunday, October 3, 2010

Serge Lutens - Bas de Soie

Bas de Soie finds Lutens back in straight, uncomplicated mode (see also: Fleurs de Citronnier, Clair de Musc): iris + green. As with a lot of iris fragrances, the iris part is great fun, but is over too fast, and then it's on to the drydown, which is a massive punch of galbanum. Such high levels of galbanum make Bas de Soie surprisingly cold; I would even use the word "angry" to describe this fragrance. It's an interesting switch for the line, which has many warm, sweet fragrances; this is the antithesis of warm and sweet.

As much as I like green notes, this might be too angular and haughty for my tastes. This is well-made, but I prefer Lutens in complex, weird mode. However, if you are the sort of person who daydreams about punching kittens in the face, this is the ice queen fragrance for you.

1 comment:

  1. If I were eating kittens right now they would be spewing out my nose!
